Picture of a professional Primary School teacher

James Lister

Professional Primary School Teacher, Rygaards International school, Denmark

School I am currently teaching at

Rygaards International school, Copenhagen, Denmark


English (maternal)


All primary subjects


I have been a happy and successful Primary school teacher for nearly 20 years.

I graduated from Surrey University with a degree in Education and the following year I obtained my teaching degree.

I started my teaching career in London, teaching in a multi-cultural school. After 5 years there I moved to an International school in Gran Canaria, Spain, where I spent another great 5 years.

I have a Danish wife, so with a young child born in Gran Canaria we decided to move to Denmark.


I have been a Primary school teacher for nearly 20 years. I have taught in London, Gran Canaria and Denmark. The last 2 schools are International schools.

I have taught children from Year 1 all the way up to Year 5. I have also been P.E. co-ordinator in London and currently in Denmark.

I have always had excellent relationships with all my students (and their families) and I pride myself on my professionalism, care and helping all my pupils reach their potential. Both academically but also as young people.

I am experienced in helping children with English as their second language.

I have helped children who are ‘behind’ the average for their age, ‘catch up’. I have helped children who are doing well, improve even more.





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